Creative Crafthouse Puzzles
Creative Crafthouse handcrafts unique, artistic and challenging picture frame puzzles. All use a variety of 1/4" thick hardwoods in frames that are 7 inches square. All come with a cover to secure puzzle pieces inside. Made in Florida.
$ 31.96 $ 39.95
$ 31.16 $ 38.95
$ 34.00 $ 42.50
$ 28.00 $ 35.00
$ 31.16 $ 38.95
$ 35.96 $ 44.95
$ 34.00 $ 42.50
$ 34.80 $ 43.50
$ 34.80 $ 43.50
$ 31.96 $ 39.95
$ 35.96 $ 44.95
$ 33.20 $ 41.50
$ 31.16 $ 38.95
$ 31.16 $ 38.95
$ 30.36 $ 37.95
$ 36.00 $ 45.00
$ 24.00 $ 30.00
$ 28.80 $ 36.00
$ 28.00 $ 35.00
$ 30.40 $ 38.00
$ 35.96 $ 44.95